How to Cultivate Self-Discipline and Embrace the "That Girl" Lifestyle in 2024

In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with images and videos of people living their best lives. One particular trend that has gained popularity is the concept of being "that girl" – someone who is disciplined, motivated, and constantly striving for self-improvement. If you're wondering how to become "that girl" in 2024, this guide will provide you with 20 actionable steps to help you cultivate discipline and transform into the best version of yourself.

Step 1: Assess your Readiness for a "That Girl" Lifestyle

Before embarking on the journey to become "that girl," it's important to ask yourself if you are ready to commit to a new lifestyle. Building healthy habits and prioritizing self-improvement require dedication and perseverance. Take a moment to reflect on your current situation and determine if you are willing to put in the effort and make the necessary changes.

Pro Tip: If you're new to activities associated with being "that girl," such as working out, journaling, or self-care, start slow and focus on one habit at a time. Rushing into all the changes at once can lead to discouragement and a higher likelihood of giving up. Take small steps and give yourself time to adjust and embrace the new lifestyle.

Step 2: Start with What You Have

When starting your journey to becoming "that girl," it's important to remember that you don't need to buy expensive aesthetic items or completely overhaul your wardrobe. Take stock of what you already have and find ways to work with what you've got. Focus on the essentials and avoid unnecessary spending. Gratitude for what you already possess is key to finding abundance in your life.

Step 3: Plan Your Transformation

To become "that girl," it's essential to have a plan in place. Start by brainstorming and creating a schedule that incorporates your existing routines and habits. Begin with one new habit at a time and gradually add more as you become comfortable. By making a plan and sticking to it, you'll have a roadmap to guide you on your journey to self-improvement.

If you need more help to plan your transformation, download your FREE Glow Up Planner at the end of this article. This FREE Planner helps you create a customized glow-up plan for yourself, develop life-changing habits, and stick to them.

Step 4: Be Realistic

Achieving a "that girl" lifestyle is a journey that requires time and patience. Avoid setting unrealistic goals and expectations for yourself. Instead, focus on setting achievable milestones that will lead you towards your ultimate vision. Starting small and gradually building up your habits will increase your chances of success and help you maintain consistency.

Step 5: Embrace Mindful Me-Time

One common thread among "that girl" videos and posts is the emphasis on spending quality time alone. Carving out dedicated me-time is crucial for self-improvement. Use this time to connect with yourself, reflect on your thoughts and emotions, and gain clarity. Engage in activities such as journaling, exercising, learning a new skill, or simply enjoying nature.

Step 6: Establish a Morning Routine

Morning routines are a fundamental part of being "that girl." They set the tone for the day and allow you to start off with productivity and motivation. Wake up early, hydrate your body by drinking water, engage in physical activity, take care of your skin, and nourish your body with a healthy breakfast. These simple habits will help you kickstart your day on a positive note.

Pro Tip: Incorporate positive self-talk into your morning routine. Shift your inner voice from negative and self-limiting thoughts to words of encouragement and affirmation. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve greatness.

Step 7: Prioritize Physical Health

Being "that girl" means taking care of your physical well-being. Find ways to move your body regularly, whether through workouts, walks, or dance sessions. Listen to your body and engage in activities that you enjoy. Remember, it's not about pushing yourself to the limit but about nurturing your body with movement and exercise that feels good.

Step 8: Focus on Mental Health

In the pursuit of self-improvement, it's crucial to prioritize your mental health. Seek therapy if needed, practice journaling to process your thoughts and emotions, spend time in nature to find calmness, and be kind to yourself. Cultivating a positive mindset and practicing self-compassion are key elements of being "that girl" who values and prioritizes mental well-being.

Step 9: Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk

The way you speak to yourself has a significant impact on your mindset and overall well-being. Practice positive self-talk by replacing self-criticism and negative thoughts with words of encouragement and self-belief. Challenge limiting beliefs, embrace a growth mindset, and affirm your ability to achieve your goals.

Step 10: Surround Yourself with Motivation

Incorporate motivating elements into your environment to keep yourself inspired and focused. Surround yourself with inspiring books, podcasts, videos, or any other content that aligns with your goals and values. Curate a space that reflects positivity and encourages personal growth.

Step 11: Start Eating Healthy

A healthy diet is a crucial aspect of being "that girl." Focus on nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. Avoid crash diets and instead aim for sustainable and balanced eating habits.

Step 12: Cultivate the Habit of Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Dedicate time each day to journaling, where you can express your thoughts, set intentions, and track your progress. This practice allows you to gain insights into your emotions, identify patterns, and celebrate your achievements.

Step 13: Practice Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that help shift your mindset and reinforce self-belief. Incorporate affirmations into your daily routine by repeating empowering phrases to yourself. Affirm your worth, capabilities, and commitment to self-improvement.

Step 14: Embrace Your Personal Style

Dressing up and expressing yourself through fashion is an integral part of being "that girl." Develop a personal style that reflects your personality and makes you feel confident. Experiment with different outfits, colors, and accessories to create a wardrobe that aligns with your vision of "that girl."

Step 15: Dive into Self-Improvement

To become "that girl," it's essential to invest in self-improvement. Engage in activities that expand your knowledge, develop new skills, and challenge your comfort zone. Read books, take online courses, attend workshops, or join communities that align with your interests and goals.

Step 16: Get Your Life Organized

Organization is the key to maintaining discipline and productivity. Create systems and routines that help you stay organized in various aspects of your life, including your schedule, workspace, and personal belongings. Declutter your physical and digital spaces to create a harmonious environment that supports your goals.

Step 17: Prioritize Continuous Learning

Commit to lifelong learning and personal growth. Embrace opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Stay curious, seek out mentors, and engage in activities that challenge you intellectually. By continuously learning, you'll stay ahead of the curve and remain motivated on your journey to becoming "that girl."

Step 18: Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is essential for personal development. Embrace challenges, learn from failures, and see setbacks as opportunities for growth. Believe in your ability to learn, improve, and adapt. A growth mindset will enable you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Step 19: Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is a vital component of being "that girl." Make time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate you. Engage in activities such as taking relaxing baths, practicing mindfulness, indulging in hobbies, or spending quality time with loved ones. Prioritizing self-care ensures you have the energy and mental clarity to pursue your goals.

Step 20: Embrace the Journey

Becoming "that girl" is not a destination; it's a lifelong journey. Embrace the process, celebrate your progress, and be kind to yourself along the way. Remember that self-improvement takes time and effort. Stay committed to your goals, stay true to yourself, and enjoy the transformation that unfolds.


Becoming "that girl" in 2024 is within your reach. By following these 20 steps and embracing discipline, self-improvement, and self-care, you can create a life that aligns with your vision of success and fulfillment. Remember to set clear goals, stay motivated, and be kind to yourself throughout the journey. Embrace the challenges and celebrate every milestone. You have the power to transform into the best version of yourself and live a life that is purposeful and inspiring. Start today and let the journey unfold.


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